
Family run business ethos
As a family run business, we are acutely aware that every member of our team plays a very important role in our operation. Everyone working within Hobbs Estates has a shared motivation for the business to succeed. As a result of this, we go the extra mile to keep our tenants happy which in turn ensures our occupancy rate remains high.
Building lasting relationships
We recognise that the longevity of our business is linked to the relationships we form with those that we work with. Much of our past success has been by virtue of this. As landlords we support our tenants wherever we can and as developers we work alongside stakeholders to deliver quality projects that stand the test of time. We take great pride and care over our existing portfolio, ensuring it is well maintained for occupiers and local people.
Our attitude in business has always been to treat others with respect and to be transparent. We are open, fair and do what we say we are going to do. Over our history, we have done several deals on a hand shake and have always honoured our word. Not only does operating in such a way align with our family run ethos but it has also greatly benefited us over the long term.
Quality design and landscaping
We are very mindful of our impact on stakeholders, and as such we always look to ensure that our projects add value to their surroundings. Throughout the development of Earls Colne Business Park we have always had a strong focus on landscaping. We recognise the important role this plays in creating a pleasant working environment for occupiers, as well as the environmental benefits that it brings. All of the trees at Earls Colne Business Park were planted by the business. Our landscape led approach and sympathetic development style has been well received by Braintree District Council, who recognised our efforts through design awards. The importance we place on landscaping and quality remains just as strong today.
Supporting the local economy
Traditionally, our business has always used local companies to source supplies and services. We recognise the importance of the local economy and look to support this wherever we can. Using local companies means that we get to build good relationships with individuals, something both organisations benefit from.